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Camera issues, wondering what to do?

Asked by
unmiss 337 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I have a lightbar I have created on a vehicle. Everything on it works fine. The problem though is that the camera gets blocked by the lightbar/certain parts/lights of it, and I can't have that happen when somebody is driving, as it completely blocks their view.

I have tried using Invisicam but it's pretty trippy and really not something I want to use. Is there a solution for this? Should I be using a custom camera on the trunk, maybe?

The camera goes through the car just fine (when sitting in the DriverSeat) but the some parts of the lightbar block it.

Have tried making the lightbar un-collidable? Mr_Octree 101 — 9y
If you change the CameraType then it should behave differently regarding obstructions, I haven't checked though. 1waffle1 2908 — 9y
You could check out this property, I don't know what it does or if setting it to 1 will solve all of your problems: 1waffle1 2908 — 9y

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