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How can I load a players character into the game?

Asked by
Hexcede 52
9 years ago

I am trying to load a character of a player into the game. The player is not in the specific place. I want to load a players character by id from roblox. I have tried the code below:

game.InsertService:loadAsset(35904028).Parent = workspace

No errors but the model inserted is empty, no character to be found. Please help me!

Someone?! Hexcede 52 — 9y

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Answered by
1waffle1 2908 Trusted Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

Currently the only way to load the assets contained by a player's character is by setting an actual ingame player's CharacterAppearance to that of the desired player and then respawning the player.

Thank you! That also gives me an idea! My idea is I set a player in the game to the character appearance, clone them, and set their character appearance back. Also you can use Player:LoadCharacterAppearance(...) or something like that. Hexcede 52 — 9y

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