I tryed making a script to save a value to show a gui only the first time a player plays but it doesn't work..... This is Workspace:
function CreateSave(plr) if plr:WaitForDataReady() then wait(0.03) plr:SaveBoolean("PlayerPlayed_test", false) local PlayerPlayedData = plr:LoadBoolean("PlayerPlayed_test") local PlayerPlayed = Instance.new("BoolValue") PlayerPlayed.Name = "PlayerPlayed" PlayerPlayed.Parent = plr PlayerPlayed.Value = PlayerPlayedData end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(CreateSave)
This is in the Gui, in StarterGui:
function ShowGui(plr) if plr.PlayerPlayed == false then script.Parent.Visible = true script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.Visible = false end) end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(ShowGui)