Hi I was scripting this script and I was wonder how to make it when you buy the upgrade for the sword it saves when you die and when you leave? Also when you die the upgrades you bought already they go inactive and invisible. Can you help?
price = 550 plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer debounce = false script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if debounce then return end local v = plr.leaderstats.Credits debounce = true if v.Value >= price then plr.Backpack.ClassicSword.Configurations.LungeDamage.Value = 50 v.Value = v.Value - price script.Parent.Parent.Buy.Visible = true wait(0.2) for i = 0.1,1,0.1 do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Parent.Buy.TextTransparency = i end script.Parent.Active = false script.Parent.Visible = false script.Parent.Parent.upgrade2.Active = true script.Parent.Parent.upgrade2.Visible = true script.Parent.Parent.error.Position = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 100) script.Parent.Parent.Buy.Position = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 100) print('You bought the item!') else print ('Cant buy item!') script.Parent.Parent.error.Visible = true for i = 0.1,1,0.1 do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Parent.error.TextTransparency = i end end debounce = false end)