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What is a good approach to detect object change by mouse hover?

Asked by 9 years ago

Hello, I've been developing a script that when the mouse left button is held down, a value is incremented until the left button is released. My goal is that while the mouse is down and simultaneously if the object that the mouse is hovering over changes, the value would be reset to zero, and would still increment. The following is my code/ attempt:

local Player= game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse= Player:GetMouse()

local holdSwitch= 0
local holdVal= 0

--compares difference between object 1 and 2
local obj1= Mouse.Target.Position
local obj2= Mouse.Target.Position

local screenGUI="ScreenGui",game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)
screenGUI.Name= "screenGUI"
--GUI for holding down mouse key
local textLabelHoldMouse="TextLabel",screenGUI)
textLabelHoldMouse.Name= "HoldMouse"
textLabelHoldMouse.BorderSizePixel= 0
textLabelHoldMouse.BackgroundTransparency= 1
textLabelHoldMouse.TextColor3= BrickColor.White().Color
textLabelHoldMouse.Text= "Hold: "
textLabelHoldMouse.TextXAlignment= "Left"
textLabelHoldMouse.TextTransparency= 0--toggle

--detection script
local vb= 0
    --with distance if; numMode indicates build or destroy
    if workspace.numMode.Value== 0 and tostring(Mouse.Target)== "DirtBlockClone" and Player:DistanceFromCharacter(Mouse.Target.Position)< 16 then   
        Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()--stops count and resets holdVal
            holdSwitch= 1
            holdVal= 0
            --textLabelHoldMouse.Text= "Hold: "..holdVal

        holdSwitch= 0
        while holdSwitch== 0 do
            holdVal= holdVal+1
            textLabelHoldMouse.Text= "Hold: "..holdVal
            if not obj1== obj2 then
                holdVal= 0

So, I instantiate a comparison for each step of the wait interval, and it would test if the object target position has changed. I'm not sure what is going wrong.

Also, you can make an assumption that the objects are Parts which are also clones with the same name. So one of the few things I thought of on how to differentiate between each clone was its position. Houlardy642 28 — 9y
Anyways, I found out that it was a good idea to instantiate the variable within the while loop so I am not touching anything than the desired target beforehand otherwise it would immediately be a false statement. Houlardy642 28 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
1waffle1 2908 Trusted Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

Add a variable target equal to Mouse.Target and check in the while loop to see if Mouse.Target does not match target. If it doesn't, update target and set holdVal=0.

Just a warning: Calling Mouse.Button1Up:connect every time you click creates a new connection every time you click, and since it isn't just a callback, it isn't just overwritten. The connection should be made only once.

Hmm, that seems like a good approach; i'll work on it and see what comes up. Houlardy642 28 — 9y
And about the warning, is there a kill-switch that disconnects the connection for the mouse when the button is pressed up? If so I would be willing to also implement that in my script. Houlardy642 28 — 9y
You can use x=method:connect(function()end) and x:disconnect() to kill the connection, but you don't need to re-connect every time you click in this case. 1waffle1 2908 — 9y
By the way, thanks for your help and tips; I greatly appreciate it. Houlardy642 28 — 9y

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