What is the colour property of Particle Emmitters?
.Color? .Start? .End?
The ParticleEmitter uses ColorSequence:
1 | ParticleEmitter.Color = ColorSequence.new(color 1 ,color 2 ) |
2 | -- or for one Color, use this |
3 | ParticleEmitter.Color = ColorSequence.new(color 1 ) |
and color2
can be returned as a Color3
Value. Color3.new
is not required. If you want to use a BrickColor
, do the following,
1 | local BrickColor = game.Workspace.Part.BrickColor -- basically put any brickColor value here |
2 | local Color 3 = BrickColor.Color -- Using The Color Property of BrickColor, we can get the Color3 value of BrickColor |
3 | ParticleEmitter.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color 3 ) |
The Color property of ParticleEmitters takes a ColorSequence value. ColorSequence takes up to two Color3 values and can be used to fade between one colour to another in ParticleEmitters.
If you only want to use 1 Color3 argument, do this:
1 | ColorSequence.new(Color 3. new( 1 , 1 , 1 )) --Makes a new ColorSequence, the color white is both the start and end color. |
For 2 Color3 arguments, do this:
1 | ColorSequence.new(Color 3. new( 1 , 1 , 1 ),Color 3. new( 0 , 0 , 0 )) --Makes a new ColorSequence, white as the start color and black as the end color. |
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