I was making a start GUI for my game, and it worked just fine in studio, but not in servers. I tried to fix it by making the variables local and not local, but it still didn't work. Here is the script:
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer Box = script.Parent.Parent.Frame Play = script.Parent.Parent.Play gui = script.Parent.Parent Text = script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel1 local Sound = Instance.new("Sound", gui) Sound.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=221235033" Sound.Pitch = 1 Sound.Volume = 0.7 Sound:Play() function MouseEnterPlayButton() Play.FontSize = "Size48" end Play.MouseEnter:connect(MouseEnterPlayButton) function MouseLeftPlayButton() Play.FontSize = "Size36" end Play.MouseLeave:connect(MouseLeftPlayButton) function PlayGame() Box:Destroy() Play:Destroy() Sound:Stop() Text:Destroy() end Play.MouseButton1Down:connect(PlayGame)
Thanks! -club101coolguy