An example of this happening is Twisted Murderer. In Twisted murderer, they have a customized chat GUI. But I noticed that ROBLOX s chat GUI isn't entirely deactivated. Just the chat GUI is deactivated, but the chat bar (were you write your message) is still there. How do i achieve that?
This features lies within your place settings.
Go to Your Place > Configure Place > Permissions > (Scroll down to Other Permissions) > And change the Chat Type to Bubble.
Good question: you don't.
You write your own chat bar and you write your own chat UI.
Disabling the chat UI using ROBLOX's built in method, SetCoreGUIEnabled, disables both at once.
1 | --If your talking about disabling the coregui chat then here it is. |
2 | game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.Chat, false ) |
Actually, there is a quick solution to this. The Roblox chat creates its GUI in the player's PlayerGui. So, if you do a simple local script like this:
1 | local oldchat = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Chat -- Location of Roblox's chat |
2 | oldchat.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Visible = false -- Makes the old chat invisible, but not the bar |
3 | oldchat.Frame.ChatBarParentFrame.Position = UDim 2. new( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) -- Sets the position of the bar to the top left |
you should get the results you want!
Also, don't forget that this has to be a LocalScript. I suggest putting it in the same script you are using for your custom chat script.