Inside this local script (which is inside a tool). I am trying to make so that if a certain slide 33410686 visibility false, the visibility returns to true if 272387517. So I put in this If statement from line 14 to line 20 and it doesn't seem to work.. any help?
local sn = 1 local slides = {33410686, 272387517} function rotate() sn = sn + 1 if sn > #slides then sn = 1 end script.Parent.Image = "" .. slides[sn] end ---- Doesn't work V V V if script.Parent.Image == "" then script.Parent.Image.Visible = false elseif script.Parent.Image == "" then script.Parent.Image.Visible = true end ---- Doesn't work ^ ^ ^ for i=1,#slides do rotate() end script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(rotate)