I'm trying to make a script generate a circle around the Torso. The issue is that I can't get the circle to turn with the Torso, it stays on the Z axis..
wait() while wait() do local diameter = 12 local blocks = 24 local blocksize = Vector3.new(0,2,1) local model = Instance.new("Model", workspace) for r = 1, blocks do local block = Instance.new("Part", model) block.FormFactor = "Custom" block.Anchored = true block.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1) block.CFrame = Workspace.Player.Torso.CFrame + (Workspace.Player.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(r*(360/blocks)),0,0)).lookVector * (.5*diameter) wait() end wait() model:Destroy() end
Edit: Got it to rotate with the torso, but I can't get it to be around the torso, not be in front of it and behind it. If I change
The parts won't circle around the torso, instead, it only stays in front of the torso.
unanchor is and weld it thats all i can say form trying right mnow