Hello, I have here my upgrade insertskateboard script, now say if I used an anchored model, it will be placed directly by the Torso due to "Torso" and the position. Now, is there a way to get the model to be placed on the ground? I have tried to use "Left leg" or "Right leg" but, the model (asset) will not appear. could someone help me through this?
-- Script:
ids = {} local Tool = script.Parent; function insert() local randID = ids[math.random(#ids)] --#ids is the number of values in the table local root = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(randID) --Load the random ID. local instances = root:GetChildren() if #instances == 0 then root:Remove() return end --Continue the insert process root.Name = "InsertedObject" .. randID game:GetService("InsertService"):Insert(root) local t = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Left leg") if t == nil then return end --Make sure that the script doesn't error if the torso is not found root:MoveTo(t.Position + t.CFrame.lookVector * 8) Tool.Handle.Drop:Play() end enabled = true function onButton1Down(mouse) if not enabled then return end enabled = false insert() wait(.01) Tool:Remove() end function onEquippedLocal(mouse) if mouse == nil then print("Mouse not found") return end mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png" mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onButton1Down(mouse) end) end Tool.Equipped:connect(onEquippedLocal)
Oh on the end of line 20, I didn't change it back to "Torso", still the same problem.