A long time ago (well, about a year ago) I created a game largely based upon manipulating the camera. I've recently gone back to it, and every bit of the camera angle changes have now broken through some ROBLOX update. I've read back over the wiki, but I can't seem to find the issue. If anybody could offer any insight about where I should go with this, I'd be very grateful.
local controllers = {} local keysDown = {} local keyDown = false local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local camfoc1 = game.Workspace.LookTo21.Position local camfoc2 = game.Workspace.Ghost3.Head.Position local camfoc3 = game.Workspace.LookTo23.Position local camfoc4 = game.Workspace.LookTo24.Position local camfoc5 = game.Workspace.LookTo25.Position local camfoch = game.Workspace.GhostEnd.Head.Position local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera print("This is cloned properly") -- This local script gets cloned into the player's PlayerGui properly. function removeControl() repeat wait() until not keyDown for _, controller in pairs(game:GetService("ControllerService"):GetChildren()) do controller.Parent = nil table.insert(controllers, controller) end end function resumeControl() for _, controller in pairs(controllers) do controller.Parent = game:GetService("ControllerService") end controllers = {} end -- From here to the next marked line isn't as important I would assume. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) keysDown[key:upper()] = true keyDown = true end) mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) keysDown[key:upper()] = false local hasKeyDown = false for key, isDown in pairs(keysDown) do if (isDown) then hasKeyDown = true end end keyDown = hasKeyDown end) -- The mark stated prior. local lplayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid removeControl() local angle = 0 game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus=CFrame.new(camfoc1) wait(.01) game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus=CFrame.new(camfoc3) wait(.01) game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus=CFrame.new(camfoc4) wait(.01) game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus=CFrame.new(camfoc5) wait(.01) game.Lighting.hall1end.Value = true for i = 1,100 do game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus=CFrame.new(camfoc2) wait(.01) end resumeControl() game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
If any more information is requested, I'd happily provide it -- I would just love to have this game working again.