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Hint and Message don't work anymore?

Asked by 9 years ago

I tried everything and the text doesn't want to show up at the top of the screen.

h ="Hint", game.Workspace)

h.Text = "jdfjafjafpa"

It shows the hint bar but it doesn't show it with the text.

I do not have any free models in the game. I don't like using free models.

This isn't in a local script is it? iSvenDerp 233 — 9y
No it is not a local script :p RetroThieff 5 — 9y
Ok we'll try removing game and just use (hint, Workspace) iSvenDerp 233 — 9y
Didn't work :p RetroThieff 5 — 9y
I'm just giving ideas but try putting local in front of the h iSvenDerp 233 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

Hint and Message still work because I just tested them and had no problem with doing this.

You must have another script in your place causing the problem. Perhaps their is a Hint overlapping the one you created? Anyway, I have provided how making a Hint/Message would be, and they're similar to yours. Just try creating them in a different place then look in your original place for the problem. Perhaps a free model is screwing with you?

  • Creating a Message
1m ="Message", game.Workspace)
2m.Text = "This is a Message."
  • Creating a Hint
1h ="Hint", game.Workspace)
2h.Text = "This is a Hint."

I will mention that making it game.Workspace or just Workspace will not matter, nor do my variables for message and hint either!

Okay so I have a while wait() do and I have the h ="Hint", game.Workspace) out of the while wait() do and when I put the .Text out of it it works. RetroThieff 5 — 9y
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Answered by 9 years ago

I know Hints and Messages never work for me! Like the guy said "A free model might be screwing with you?" and It's probably true.

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