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Why does this script doing something different than I expected and can you fix it like I said?

Asked by 9 years ago

I made a script that was like long until Validark made it shorter. And two things: Thank you Validark and also, I am having problems with it for some reason. It is not doing what I want it to do. What I wanted it to do was to rotate without making the part position up. When I clicked it, it rotated good, but instead, the part went from 1.981 to 2.481. I want it to stay the same no matter where you put the radio. Also, on the -9.37 for positon or CFrame, I put it there to move it back to make the rotation better and to line it up. That position should happen on the rotation where it says 173.413. Also I want that to work if I ever move it. Because, if I publish it as a model, people or I might put it in a different place which will mess up the positioning a little.

--Validark Answered Script (Thank you)
local cover = game.Workspace.Radio.Cover
local slot = game.Workspace.Radio.Slot
debounce = false

--Creates a table of values
local rotationXValues = {-180, 179, 178, 177, 176, 175.9, 175.413, 174.413, 173.413, 172.413, 171.413,
170.413, 169.413, 168.413, 167.413, 166.413, 165.413, 164.413, 163.413, 162.413, 161.413, 160.413, 155.413,
150.413, 145.413, 140.413, 135.413, 130.413, 125.413, 120.413, 115.413, 110.413, 105.413, 104.413, 103.413, 102.413, 101.413, 100.413, 99.413, 98.413, 97.413, 96.413, 95.413, 94.413, 93.413, 92.413, 91.413, 90.293}

function onClicked()
    if not debounce then
        debounce = true
        for a,v in pairs(rotationXValues) do --This "for" loop runs through each value of the table
            cover.CFrame =, 1.981, -9.37)
            cover.Rotation =, 0, -180)
        debounce = false


I hope you understand. Validark if you are reading this, thank you and I hope you understand as well and help as well. Again, thank you.

1 answer

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
9 years ago

If you want it to stay in the same place, just remember where it started:

local home = cover.CFrame


            cover.CFrame = home
            cover.Rotation =, 0, 180)


A problem is that when you set Rotation, the part will be shoved up to not intersect any parts. That means we have to put it in the right place after setting the rotation.

We can save the target orientation, then move it to the position of home:

cover.CFrame = home
cover.Rotation =, 0, 180)
local orientation = cover.CFrame - cover.Position
cover.CFrame = orientation + home.p

For the list you also must use ipairs, not pairs. pairs will not go over a list in order.

While the list of values is much better than the individual statements, a function for the exact position would be much, much better.

It seems like approximately a cosine would work:

for t = 0, 4.8, 0.03 do
    local v = math.cos(t / 4.8 * math.pi) * 45 + 90 + 45
    cover.CFrame = home
    cover.Rotation =, 0, 180)
    local orientation = cover.CFrame - cover.Position
    cover.CFrame = orientation + home.p

This completely eliminates the need for a giant list of numbers, which is impossible to tweak.

Thanks Blue, YOU ROCK. Wait, also, if I want to make it go backward, as in after you click it and the rotation stops at 90 on the X value, and do I make it go backward by making it 45-90-45. I want it to do this also, where when I click it, it rotates to 90 and then click it again to go back to normal. Hope you know what I mean RobotChitti 167 — 9y

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