Hey. Thanks for Clicking :) So, my next game uses a Datastore to save the Player's Leaderstats. I have two problems with this. 1) When the player wins a game, a win is not added to the leaderboard. 2) I dont know if it stores or loads their data, because there is never anything to store. I'll post that anyway. Here's the script that is supposed to add a win.
function awardwin(players) if type(players) == type({}) then print("player is in table") -- this prints for i = 1, #players do if players[i]:FindFirstChild("MatchTag") then if players[i]:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") then if players[i].leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Wins") then local stat = players[i].leaderstats.Wins stat.Value = stat.Value + 1 print("added wins") -- this never fires end end end end end end
This is when the function is called in the main script.
while localtimer > 0 do print("Run") wait(1) localtimer = localtimer - 1 activecontestants = {} for _, player in pairs(contestants) do if player then local character = player.Character if character then local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local matchtag = character:FindFirstChild("MatchTag") if matchtag and humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 then table.insert(activecontestants, player) end end end end if #activecontestants <= 1 then awardwin(players) awardcredit(players, 4) break end end
Finally, this is where the player's data is saved
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) local newTab = {} local tab = myData:GetAsync(player.userId) local num = 0 for i = 1,#tab do num = num + 1 for a,b in pairs(player.leaderstats:GetChildren()) do if b.Name == tab[i][1] then table.insert(newTab,{tab[i][1],tab[i][2],tab[i][3]}) end end if num % 10 == 0 then wait() end end myData:SetAsync(player.userId,newTab) end)