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Help Teleporting a Player?

Asked by 9 years ago

So this goes along with a question that I've previously asked (which has been answered). Here's the script again:

02character = game.Players:findFirstChild("""")
05local t = game.Workspace.ValueHold.RoomCount
08    print("Changing Room...")
09    local r = math.random(1,3)
10    if r == 1 then
11        local room = game.ServerStorage.defroom1:Clone()
12        room.Parent = game.Workspace
13        game.Workspace.ValueHold.CurrentRoom.Value = 1
14        character.Character.Torso.CFrame =
15        elseif r == 2 then
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Now, time for me to explain. So, you touch a button, you get teleported to a new room, that room has a button that does the same thing, yadda yadda yadda, nothing important, until you get to the actual teleporting part. So, I have a value that stores the players name upon entering the game. So, if your name is "awesomedude123", then the value changes to "awesomedude123". The beginning of the script defines "character" as "awesomedude123", and when a random room is picked, it takes "character" and teleports him to a new room. Same story as my last problem: Works In test mode, but not in a server. I've been told to add a "wait(1)' before it, and that should fix the problem, but it doesn't.

All help is greatly appreciated.

Is this a localscript? drew1017 330 — 9y
Is this single player? Validark 1580 — 9y
Add a print("Hello World!") after the character variable. Does the server print Hello World! or not in the output window? Spongocardo 1991 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
Validark 1580 Snack Break Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I recommend using a LocalScript for this.

Turn on FilteringEnabled, and insert a LocalScript into StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.

This way, you don't need to mess around with values or anything to find out which player to teleport.

Your script might look something like this

01repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer;
02local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
03local character = player:WaitForChild("Character")
05local rooms = {game.ServerStorage.defroom1, game.ServerStorage.defroom2, game.ServerStorage.defroom3}
06local buttons = {game.Workspace.button1, game.Workspace.button2, game.Workspace.button3}
07local currentRoom = {} --The script will put stuff in here
09local jammed = false --This is for debounce. If a player touches the button, we only want the script to register it once.
12local seeder = coroutine.create( function() while true do math.randomseed(game.Workspace.Randomparts.a1.Rotation.X or tick()) coroutine.yield() end end)
13---- This creates seeds for random numbers so it creates a different random sequence each time!
15function createRoom(Index)
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Make sense, however the buttons aren't a part of workspace. Their an Unnamed door inside of each individual room. I could rename the doors, however what would I do to target them? ZeMeNbUiLdEr 104 — 9y
Ok, so I edited the script to find the correct location of the buttons, however when the button is touched, the room just disappears. I don't get teleported. Help? ZeMeNbUiLdEr 104 — 9y
I edited my script to work how you want it to. My script assumes there is only one button in each room, and that it is named "Button", and is the only thing named "Button". Please hit "Accept Answer" if my answer is sufficient. Validark 1580 — 9y

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