This is for a purge game I'm making. What this is supposed to do is keep checking if the #Players is below 6, and when it is it'll display "The Game Needs at Least 6 Players To Begin." but it's not displaying.
while #game.Players:GetChildren() < 6 do local Players = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#Players do Players[i].PlayerGui.Gui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = "The Game Needs at Least 6 Players To Begin." wait() end wait(1) end
while #(game.Players:GetChildren()) < 6 do --Needed that parentheses local Players = game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren() for i = 1,#Players do Players[i].PlayerGui.Gui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = "The Game Needs at Least 6 Players To Begin." wait() end wait(1) end