I have a script that's supposed to put a hole in a wall. I did that by making the hole-free wall already in workspace, and when you touch a certain part, it replaces the hole-free wall with the wall with a hole in it. When the wall explodes, I want there to be a couple pieces flying around so I added an explosion.
local w = workspace.BigBuilding.WallA script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(part) local h = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if h then wait() w:Destroy() local clone = game.ServerStorage.BWall:Clone() clone.Parent = workspace wait() local e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.Position = Vector3.new(239.48, 9.3, 74) e.BlastRadius = 25 e.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0 end end)
I just want to know ways to make my scripts less laggy and more efficient.
Here is a gif, it shows you the hole, and what pieces i want to explode.