This is not a request. I am simply asking you guys to point me in the right direction cause i would like to know how to detect if spacebar has been pressed twice quickly for a double jump. I dont need the double jump its self cause I know how to script that. Im asking how would my script detect if a person double tapped spacebar?
Here's some generic code that will work:
local t = 0; local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local mouse = player:GetMouse(); local pressed = false; mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if string.byte(key) == 32 then --32 is the space bar if not pressed then pressed = true repeat wait() t = t +0.1 until t >= 0.75 or pressed == false if pressed == false and t < 0.75 then t = 0 print('Double jump!')-- double jump elseif t >= 0.75 then t = 0 pressed = false end elseif pressed then pressed = false end end end)
I know this is already answered but the solution up there is terrible, in my opinion.
It's best to check if the player is grounded before letting them jump again.
repeat wait() until game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) --WaitForChild could be better. --Defining variables-- plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Leg"] --Define the left leg p = game.Players.LocalPlayer --Define the player ks = {} --Table for keystrokes ip = game:GetService("UserInputService") --Define user input service jump1 = false --Debounce jump2 = false --Debounce function isGround(hit) --Define function for checking if hit is the floor if string.lower(hit.Name) == "baseplate" or string.lower(hit.Name) == "ground" or string.lower(hit.Name) == "floor" or string.lower(hit.Name) == "floor" then --This line could be skipped, I just find it better to tag what is ground, so you can't jump off of non cancollide parts return true --Return that it's on the floor else return false --Not? end end function plrGrounded() --Define the function for creating the ray to find the ground local ray =,, -10, 0)) --Create the ray local hit, position = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, plr.Parent) --Define hit and position, ignoring the player if (position - plr.Position).magnitude <= 1.5 and isGround(hit) then return true else return false end --If the player is really close to the ground and the function isGround returns true then return true, if not then return false end inp = coroutine.wrap(function() --Define coroutine for input detection game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function() --Look for input every frame ip.InputBegan:connect(function(k,p) --Input start ks[k.KeyCode] = true --This key is pressed end) ip.InputEnded:connect(function(k,p) --Input end ks[k.KeyCode] = false --The key isn't pressed end) end) end) sj = coroutine.wrap(function() --Second jump coroutine game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function() --Run once per frame if jump1 == true and jump2 == false then --if the first jump is true and the player hasn't jumped twice wait(0.1) --small pause to prevent a 'launch' if ks[Enum.KeyCode.Space] == true then --If space has been pressed jump2 = true --Second jump is true plr.Velocity = plr.Velocity +,25,0) --Apply the second jump end end end) end) --Run-- inp() sj() p.Character.Humanoid.Jumping:connect(function() --First jump function jump1 = true --First jump is true repeat wait() until plrGrounded() == true --Wait until the player is grounded jump1 = false --Jump 1 isn't true jump2 = false --Jump 2 isn't true end)