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Why Did Datastore Not Work? (Roblox Bug?)

Asked by 9 years ago

Hello, I have been working on a game and it has been using datastore to save data for a long time now. But, when I joined my place (like 5 days ago) it did not load my data. Another player who was already on my game at the time had their data so there can't be an error with the script.

I tested all changes that I have made to the script, and I am pretty sure that I have joined my place since its latest update. But, I noticed that Roblox had a hidden update since I last joined it. The developer console (F9) looks different.

I am thinking that this update messed with datastore in some way?

Or, I think this may be a bug Roblox has had for awhile? I know that the game "The Quarry" has had problems loading players' data.

If this is just a Roblox bug, would it be caused by an error saving? Or an error while trying to retrieve and load the data?

Thank you for reading.

Errors in dev console? magiccube3 115 — 9y
I paniced and exited/ rejoined, idk if I joined a new server or not, but when I checked the dev console I didn't notice anything strange. It still works and will save data, I think it may have been a rare roblox error or something. I have been using data store for awhile and I don't think I made any major changes that would wipe out data. Thank you for the response though. Golfercab 0 — 9y
I know that roblox has a data store limit, which is I think NumOfPlayersInGame +5 * 100 deputychicken 226 — 9y
oh yeah, the GetAsync limit, I am pretty sure I am not near breaking that limit, but i'll look into that again, ty Golfercab 0 — 9y

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