I have this script, it works, I just don't know how to convert it back to where I can use two arguments to create a box like it shows on wiki http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=API:Region3 I need something like "Region3.new( Vector3.new(1, 1, 1), Vector3.new(9, 9, 9) ) -- a Region3 with a size of (8, 8, 8) and a position at (5, 5, 5)" but I don't know how to convert it, can you help?
local adminPad = workspace.SecretBrickDontDelete local boxDimensions = Vector3.new(24.775, 19.5, -11.386) local region3 = Region3.new(adminPad.Position - boxDimensions/2, adminPad.Position + boxDimensions/2) while wait(0.5) do local parts = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(region3, adminPad, 50) for i = 1, #parts do if parts[i].Name == "BuildingBrick" and parts[i].Anchored then parts[i]:Destroy() end end end