I've been working on this all day and I can't manage to freaking fix this dang BS. Please save me x_x. Here's my model of the problem I'm having V
http://www.roblox.com/Im-done-Im-just-done-trying-item?id=267870386 I cant post the script because there's several scripts involved, hence fixing something I post here will mess up others, everything needed is in the model
The part I'm having trouble on is not in left and right, those are completely fine, don't mess with the clones. The problem I'm having is sometimes the buttons don't turn blue after the battle is over. I've tried everything, extending times, adding break to some scripts, adding Parent after a wait for cloning it... I don't know anymore I freaking give up please help.
Left and Right are in ServerStorage (ServerStorage being renamed kServerStorage) and copy the script Copypaste into kServerStorage too
THE ONLY PROBLEM IS THE BUTTONS RESETTING<< Post your model (fixed) in the description please
how are we supposed to download it and fix it if it's not free?