I'm making a new game and I need to sort people into teams. I tried to do it already but it didn't work... Could I have some help with how I can possibly make this happen? This is the script :
--Made by KordGamer --Varibales-- Text = game.Lighting.Text Maps = {"Testing", "Testing 2"} NumMaps = 2 -------------- --------Script-------- ---game.Players.NumPlayers < 2 if game.Players.NumPlayers > 1 then Text.Value = "Oh no! There is not enough players to continue..." else Text.Value = "Welcome to the game! A new game is starting in a couple of seconds..." wait(10) Text.Value = "Picking map..." wait(2) RandomChoice = math.random(1, NumMaps) CurrentMap = Maps[RandomChoice] ChosenMap = game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(CurrentMap) ChosenMap:clone().Parent = game.Workspace ChosenMap.Name = "Map" Text.Value = "The map selected is : "..CurrentMap.."!" wait(3) Text.Value = "Preparing your spawn areas..." wait(2) Text.Value = "Sorted! Joining round..." wait(2) wait(2) for i = 40, 0, -1 do Text.Value = "Time left : "..i.." seconds" wait(1) end if Text.Value == "Time left : 0 seconds" then Text.Value = "Round over! Well done!" wait(5) Text.Value = "Resetting game..." wait(2) _G:Restart() end end
There are many ways to sort into teams, but here's my personal team randomizer (2 teams)
local teamed={} local numTeamed=0 for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.TeamColor==BrickColor.new('Light blue') or v.TeamColor==BrickColor.new('Black') or v.TeamColor==BrickColor.new('White') then numTeamed=numTeamed+1 end end for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do --a loop that goes through all of the players if v.TeamColor==BrickColor.new('Light blue') or v.TeamColor==BrickColor.new('Black') or v.TeamColor==BrickColor.new('White') then -- if the player is in trainees team (or on of the teams) local randomposition=math.floor(((tick()*math.random(100))%numTeamed)) -- random number if teamed[randomposition] then repeat randomposition=math.floor(((tick()*math.random(100))%numTeamed)) until not teamed[randomposition] end print(randomposition..' '..v.Name) -- prints that number and name of person teamed[randomposition]=v end end for i,v in pairs(teamed) do if i%2==0 then v.TeamColor=BrickColor.new('Black') elseif i%2==1 then v.TeamColor=BrickColor.new('White') end end
I mean "Sort Teams" as in put players into two teams evenly.
My attempt was this, and no, it doesn't work.
local teamRed = game:GetService("Teams")["Red"] local teamBlue = game:GetService("Teams")["Red"] function ScrambleTeams() local plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers() local plrsNew = {} --Scramble table: while (#plrs > 0) do local i = math.random(#plrs) table.insert(plrsNew, plrs [i]) table.remove(plrs, i) end local teamredcolor = teamRed.TeamColor local teambluecolor = teamBlue.TeamColor for i,p in pairs(plrsNew) do p.TeamColor = teamredcolor or p.TeamColor == teambluecolor end end ScrambleTeams()