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Can someone help me prevent my loops from breaking?

Asked by 8 years ago

L = game:GetService("Lighting") game.ServerStorage.Lobby.Parent = game.Workspace game.Workspace.Sound.SoundId = ("rbxassetid://130792309") game.Workspace.Sound:Play() wait(30) game.Workspace.Sound:Stop() wait() while true do game.Workspace.Message.Text = ("Build a or off a boat! Density and parts matter!") wait(5) game.Workspace.Message.Text = ("") game.Workspace.Lobby.Parent = game.ServerStorage game.ServerStorage.WFYBTeams.Parent = game.Workspace local Sets = game.ServerStorage.AllWFYBSets:Clone() Sets.Parent = game.Workspace game.Workspace.Land.Transparency = 0 game.Workspace.Land.CanCollide = true L.Ambient =,129/255,95/255) L.FogColor =,228/255,203/255) game.Workspace.Terrain:Clear() game.Workspace.Sound.SoundId = ("rbxassetid://162142869") game.Workspace.Sound:Play() game.ServerScriptService.RainScript.Disabled = true wait(295) game.Workspace.Sound:Stop() game.Workspace.Sound.SoundID = ("rbxassetid://142962066") game.Workspace.Message.Text = ("(LAG WARNING) It's going to flood in 5 seconds! Get ready to fight! (LAG WARNING)") wait(5) game.Workspace.Sound:Play() game.Workspace.Message.Text = ("") Sets:Destroy() game.Workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(game.Workspace.Land.CFrame,game.Workspace.Land.Size,Enum.Material.Water) game.Workspace.Land.Transparency = 1 game.Workspace.Land.CanCollide = false L.Ambient =,85/255,1) L.FogColor =,170/255,1) game.ServerStorage.Lobby.Parent = game.Workspace game.ServerScriptService.RainScript.Disabled = false wait(295) game.Workspace.Message.Text = ("~Intermission~") game.Workspace.Sound:Stop() game.Workspace.Sound.SoundID = ("rbxassetid://130792309") wait(5) game.Workspace.Message.Text = ("") game.Workspace.Sound:Play() wait(60) end

I'm trying to make a personal server version of Whatever Floats Your Boat by Quenty. For some reason, the loop stops before the flood starts. Can someone help? I tried removing some variables and replacing them with the actual object.

Does the output say anything? BSIncorporated 640 — 8y
After running the code, it stopped because SOUNDID IS NOT A MEMBER OF SOUND. I am so stupid. Sorry for wasting your time! GamermanNotHacked 7 — 8y

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