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How can I add a time limit for developer products?

Asked by
sgsharp 265 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I recently added a developer product to my game that allows players to upgrade their gameplay, and earn more perks. However, I have the product set up to be a one-time purchase, instead of a timed purchase. What I mean by that is, I want the player to be able to "subscribe" to the perks, and after one month, make the perks disappear. I am not quite sure how to make it expire after one month, and any help or resources would be greatly appreciated.

I apologize if this seems like a request, but I know how to create and handle developer products, but I am not sure how to implement a time limit for them so they will have to purchase it again to re-gain the perks.

EDIT: The subscription will be based on visits instead of time periods. Thanks to the people in the comments for the help.

Thanks, I will check it out. sgsharp 265 — 9y
You could also do it based on visits. Like 30 visits = time up, so it is like days, but if they dont play everyday, they still get good use of it rollercoaster57 65 — 9y
I actually thought about doing that. It will be easier anyways. Thanks for the suggestion! sgsharp 265 — 9y

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