01 | local human = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid |
02 | local hold = human:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.hold) |
03 | local tool = script.Parent |
04 |
05 | tool.Equipped:connect( function () |
06 | hold:Play() |
07 | end ) |
08 | tool.Unequipped:connect( function () |
09 | hold:Stop() |
10 | end ) |
This is all located in a localscript. When I Play solo, the animation does not play.
The game probably hasn't loaded the humanoid yet. This works with local scripts, try:
1 | repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer |
2 | human = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" ) |
the game will wait until the player has loaded and then also wait for the humanoid to load before proceeding.
Well Jaffer, since no one wants to answer your question, I'll answer it for you. The thing with finding locating the humanoid through localplayer is that the character loads some time after the localplayer. So, this can simply be fixed by adding a wait() of one or 2 seconds at the beginning.