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Help with For Loop?

Asked by 9 years ago

Okay so this is the code:

if key_code == 13 then

        local slot = l1:Clone()
        slot.Parent = l1.Parent
        slot.Name = "Slot"
        slot.Position =,0,0,55*num)
        slot.Text = player.Name
        slot.Visible = true

Basically I just want a for loop to run every time key code is 13. I need a for loop because I need the slot position to move down every time it runs. I think you would use a for loop in this situation. If there is an easier to just move down the slot position every time key code is 13, then please help me out. Thanks!

Is the goal to build a list of GUIs, and add one to the bottom each time the key is pressed? BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y
The goal is to just built a slot for the name. And every time the key is pressed, it'll create a slot right below the previous one. intrance 50 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

You would use a while loop.

while true do
    if key_code == 13 then
        local slot = l1:Clone()
        slot.Parent = l1.Parent
        slot.Name = "Slot"
        slot.Position =,0,0,55*num)
        slot.Text = player.Name
        slot.Visible = true
num isn't defined intrance 50 — 9y

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