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Why does this script consistently crash studio?

Asked by
RoboFrog 400 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

This is my first code after about a 7 month hiatus, so I'm expecting there's some stupid mistake causing this. Whenever I run this script (play or just the regular run, both within studio) it loads the place half way, then the entire thing stops, and without any output or error messages, it freezes permanently and I have to use task manager to close it.

I have marked the line that seems to be the issue (if I purposely make a mistake, such as a lowercase "V" in value, it doesn't crash). Everything above this line runs just fine. Because of this strange catch, I'm not sure if it's an issue with my code or with the software, but my code is the only thing I can double check.

Thanks for reading, and here's the code (if you need any additional info, just leave a comment) --

local x = script.Parent.Position.X; -- hierarchy is Block --> Initrun(bool value), Script(this script) --> MaxDistance(number value), closeMultiplier(number value)
local y = script.Parent.Position.Y + 4;
local z = script.Parent.Position.Z;

local mdist = script.MaxDistance.Value;
local limitnum = mdist * script.closeMultiplier.Value;
local xs = script.Parent.Size.X;
local zs = script.Parent.Size.Z;
local initial = script.Parent.Initrun.Value;

local waittime = game.Lighting.ototal.respawn.Value; -- an integer value

local limit;

repeat -- the true start

if initial == false then
    limit = math.floor(((zs + xs)/2)/limitnum); -- creates the aforementioned "local limit"
    initial = true;
    elseif game.Lighting.ototal.Value > limit then -- Integer value, I also suspect this is the line causing issues.

function ospawn()

until nil 

1 answer

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Answered by
Goulstem 8144 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator
9 years ago

You're using a repeat statement with conditionals inside.. one one out of three of these has a wait in the code so if the other two conditions are ever met then, since there's no yield it will repeat the code infinitely and crash your studio. Also, you're not defining ospawn before calling it. It will return nil since it's an if statement. You have to define ospawn before trying to call it!

So define ospawn before calling it and add in those yields.

local x = script.Parent.Position.X; -- hierarchy is Block --> Initrun(bool value), Script(this script) --> MaxDistance(number value), closeMultiplier(number value)
local y = script.Parent.Position.Y + 4;
local z = script.Parent.Position.Z;

local mdist = script.MaxDistance.Value;
local limitnum = mdist * script.closeMultiplier.Value;
local xs = script.Parent.Size.X;
local zs = script.Parent.Size.Z;
local initial = script.Parent.Initrun.Value;

local waittime = game.Lighting.ototal.respawn.Value; -- an integer value

local limit;

function ospawn()

repeat -- the true start

if initial == false then
    limit = math.floor(((zs + xs)/2)/limitnum); -- creates the aforementioned "local limit"
    initial = true;
    elseif game.Lighting.ototal.Value > limit then -- Integer value, I also suspect this is the line causing issues.

until nil 
Ah, I didn't see that. I got a bit ahead of myself with testing the script then, since I'll have ways to wait later on. As for the function, I've never had an issue calling one higher in the script than its creation -- I'll keep it in mind though! Thanks for the help. RoboFrog 400 — 9y

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