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Can someone tell me what Cframe interpolation is?

Asked by 9 years ago

Can someone tell me what Cframe interpolation is?
Like can someone give me a example of it with angles of a part where it goes from one angle to another.

CFrame interpolation? You can only time you can use CFrame with interpolation is when you're using Interpolation on the camera. this is the CFrame_Interpolation free model if you want it. BTW I DID NOT COPY PERFECTANXIETY'S ANSWER! EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 9y
Well, that's the only method called interpolation, but any form of 'tweening' is a sort of interpolation. Interpolation is simply providing two points and interpolating between said points, or basically filling in the gap. Formula for very simple CFrame Interpolation: x1 = x + (x2-x1), or x1 = x + DeltaX. saenae 318 — 9y
x1 = x1 + (x2-x1) or x1 = x1 DeltaX* Sorry for the typo. saenae 318 — 9y

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