Trying to give tools to certain players. Tools are in the ServerStorage already. No errors appear or anything, not sure what's wrong. I've tried changing "Player" to my name as well, it doesn't work no matter what I try. All out of ideas.
Allowed = {"Player"} local MK48 = game.ServerStorage["Mk-48"] local MK17 = game.ServerStorage["Mk-17"] local EV = game.ServerStorage["Explosive vest"] function onPlayerSpawned(p) for _,v in pairs(Allowed) do if p.Name:lower() == v:lower() then MK48:clone().Parent = p.Backpack MK17:clone().Parent = p.Backpack EV:clone().Parent = p.Backpack end end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) p.CharacterAdded:connect(function() onPlayerSpawned(p) end) end)