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How do I play sounds for specific players?

Asked by
P100D 590 Moderation Voter
8 years ago

For example, those that are on a specific team, without the other team hearing.

Parent the sound to the player? NotsoPenguin 705 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by
Scriptree 125
8 years ago

So here is a script that adds a sound to the player if he's on a specific team, i explained everything in the script as much as I can.

wait() -- just to make sure a player has spawned
for _, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do -- iterating through all players
    if plr.TeamColor =="Bright red") then -- checking if player's teamcolor is the color "Bright red" 
        local plrgui = plr:findFirstChild("PlayerGui") --getting PlayerGui
        if plr and plrgui then -- checking if player and playergui exist to prevent any bugs (Not necessary)
            local sound ="Sound", plrgui) -- Creating the sound and parenting it to the playergui so it plays it locally
            sound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/HalloweenGhost.wav" -- insert the id of the song u want
            sound:Play() -- play the song, change it to "sound:Stop()" to stop the song

Hope it helped! :D


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