I was eager to find a smooth terrain generator, so i went here and searched smooth terrain. I found this guy's script that had problems with holes, but i took it anyway. I added a few stuff to it, but now it doesn't work. Here's my script:
function smoothTerrain() --'loaded' is just a Model filled with all the correctly colored and sized Parts. for i, part in ipairs(loaded:GetChildren()) do if part.BrickColor == BrickColor.Blue() then workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(part.CFrame, part.Size, "Water") elseif part.BrickColor == BrickColor.Green() then local shape = math.random(1, 2) if shape == 1 then workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(part.CFrame, part.Size, "Grass") else workspace.Terrain:FillBall(part.Position, part.Size.Y/2, "Grass") end -- editing begins here elseif part.BrickColor == BrickColor.Yellow() then workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(part.CFrame, part.Size, "Sand") elseif part.BrickColor == BrickColor.Red then workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(part.CFrame, part.Size, "CrackedLava") elseif part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Medium Stone Grey") then workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(part.CFrame, part.Size, "Slate") elseif part.BrickColor == BrickColor.new("Dark Stone Grey") then workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(part.CFrame, part.Size, "Rock") end end end
Does anyone know what i am doing wrong? Thanks so much. Troy
Well You Never Specified what loaded is in game so try adding this,
local loaded = workspace.loaded
Thats the only thing i can see, if you still have problems please leave a comment. hope this helps