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How would you make player death animations?

Asked by 11 years ago

Hey guys! I was just wondering how you would accomplish making death effects/animations on Roblox. For example, in the game 'Murder Mystery', the player becomes a "skeleton" when they die, and in 'Deathrun 2' players can choose from a choice of five different death effects/animations. Can someone teach me how this is done? I am not asking for an entire script. It would be very helpful if someone could just teach me the basics and explain its general concept. Thank you!

2 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

Put this in the script

01function OnEntered(Player)
02    while Player.Character == nil do -- Notice it does not use break.
03        wait()
04    end
05    wait(1)
06    Player.Changed:connect(function(Property)
07        if Property == "Character" then
08            if Player.Character then
09                local Mods = script:GetChildren()
10                for X = 1, # Mods do
11                    if Mods[X].className == "Script" or Mods[X].className == "LocalScript" then
12                        local S = Mods[X]:Clone()
13                        S.Disabled = false
14                        S.Parent = Player.Character
15                    end
View all 29 lines...

Now insert a script into this script and put

01Character = script.Parent
02Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
03Torso = Character.Torso
04if Character.Name == "Player1" or Character.Name == "NameHere" or Character.Name == "NameHere" then
05function OnDeath()
06    print(Character.Name .." has died")
07    H ="Hint", Workspace)
08    H.Text = Character.Name .." Has died"
09    wait(3)
10    H:Destroy()
11    X ="Explosion", Character)
12    X.Position = Character.Torso
13    X.BlastRadius = 100 --Change this to how many studs/whatever to who dies Max: 100
14    X.BlastPressure = 2500 --Set to super SUPER high if you want to ff kill players
15    end

I made that explode the player when they die

Wait remove the "if" Character.Name == "Player1" or and so.... then remove last end if you want it to do for everyone fireboltofdeath 635 — 11y
Oh, i see how it works. Thank you for the example! dpark19285 375 — 11y
No problem! fireboltofdeath 635 — 11y
If you want I can also me putrify, and make the character burst into flames of course that would lag if I made them too big. fireboltofdeath 635 — 11y
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Answered by 11 years ago

You would make an animation, and then a .Changed event would check to see if the human's health equals zero. If so, run animation.

also Humanoid.Died User#11893 186 — 11y
Yeah. That would work to. I always have to do things the hard way c: ChipioIndustries 454 — 11y
Can you show me how I'd use humanoid.Died? Does it have to be put with PlayerAdded? dpark19285 375 — 11y

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