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What do I click to insert my script?

Asked by 8 years ago

I've clicked on everything in roblox studio once (not double click) and I don't know where or how to insert my script.

im trying to insert a script that goes like:

print("Script by IHaveALEGOCollection")

for i, v in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ScreenGui") then v.Parent = game.StarterGui end end -- ^ makes sure the stuff inside the script goes into the starter GUI :)

-- this script runs admin commands for my trusted friends and also gives out the stats! Banned = {} -- noobs here Admins = {"Catsarecool23", "Cogsarecool", "xjurwi", "Baseballboy6666", "boring", "ExclusiveKeith", "iEnzo3"} -- friends :3 Owner = "Lightmaster9" -- the creator of this place!


function XPchange(player, x, l) if x.Value >= l.Value * 50 then l.Value = l.Value + 1 end end

function Levelup(player, x, l) x.Value = 0 player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = l.Value100 player.Character.Humanoid.Health = l.Value100 local m ="Message") m.Text = player.Name .. " is now level " .. l.Value m.Parent = workspace wait(2) m:Remove() end


-- admin player

db = false

function openMenuAdmin(player) local Gui = player.PlayerGui.Admin.Menu for i, v in pairs(Gui:GetChildren()) do if v.Visible == true then v.Visible = false else v.Visible = true end end end

page = 1 AC = {"Kill the player", "Make the player jump", "Make the player sit down", "Force field (removes if the player has it)"}

function changePage(player) local Gui = player.PlayerGui.Admin.Menu local Wish = Gui.Wish local Page = Gui.Page max = #AC + 1 -- i can now edit the commands without having to change this :) page = page + 1 -- print("Page: " .. page) if page == max then page = 1 Wish.Text = AC[page] -- just checking if the page is at its max. else if page == 1 then Wish.Text = AC[page] end if page == 2 then Wish.Text = AC[page] end if page == 3 then Wish.Text = AC[page] end if page == 4 then Wish.Text = AC[page] end end end

-- add more commands later

db2 = false

function OnePlayer(player) local Gui = player.PlayerGui.Admin.Menu local Scan = Gui.Scan local Write = Gui.PlayerWrite local Submit = Gui.Submit local Wish = Gui.Wish local Page = Gui.Page if not db2 then for i = 1, 5 do Scan.Text = "Scanning" wait(.05) Scan.Text = ".Scanning." wait(.05) Scan.Text = "..Scanning.." wait(.05) Scan.Text = "...Scanning..." wait(.05) Scan.Text = "..Scanning.." wait(.05) Scan.Text = ".Scanning." wait(.05) end local victim = game.Players:findFirstChild(Write.Text) if victim == nil then Scan.Text = "Error! Player is not found." wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress" else if page == 1 then Scan.Text = victim.Name .. " was killed" -- print("Worked") <- just for tests victim.Character.Humanoid.Health = nil wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress" end if page == 2 then Scan.Text = victim.Name .. " has jumped" victim.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress" end if page == 3 then Scan.Text = victim.Name .. " has been seated" victim.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress" end if page == 4 then if victim.Character:findFirstChild("ForceField") == nil then Scan.Text = victim.Name .. " has been been given a force field" local f ="ForceField")
f.Parent = victim.Character wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress" else Scan.Text = victim.Name .. "'s force field is now gone" victim.Character:findFirstChild("ForceField"):Remove() wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress" end end end end db2 = false end

-- admin player

-- player ban part

db = false

function openMenu(player) local Gui = player.PlayerGui.Bans.Menu for i, v in pairs(Gui:GetChildren()) do if v.Visible == true then v.Visible = false else v.Visible = true end end end

function Banning(player) local Gui = player.PlayerGui.Bans.Menu local Scan = Gui.Scan local Write = Gui.PlayerWrite local Submit = Gui.Submit if not db then for i = 1, 5 do Scan.Text = "Scanning" wait(.05) Scan.Text = ".Scanning." wait(.05) Scan.Text = "..Scanning.." wait(.05) Scan.Text = "...Scanning..." wait(.05) Scan.Text = "..Scanning.." wait(.05) Scan.Text = ".Scanning." wait(.05) end if Write.Text == Owner then Scan.Text = "Why are you trying to ban yourself?" wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress." return false end if game.Players:findFirstChild(Write.Text) ~= nil then game.Players:findFirstChild(Write.Text):Remove() table.insert(Banned, Write.Text) local m ="Message") Scan.Text = "Ban successful!" m.Text = "The owner has banned " .. Write.Text m.Parent = workspace wait(5) m:Remove() Scan.Text = "No scan in progress." else Scan.Text = "Error! Player is not found." wait(3) Scan.Text = "No scan in progress." end end db = false end

-- player ban part

function banCheck(name) for i, v in pairs(Banned) do if name == v then return true end end end

function adminCheck(name) for i, v in pairs(Admins) do if name ~= Owner then if name == v.Name then local m ="Message") m.Text = name .. " is an admin." m.Parent = workspace wait(5) m:Remove() return true else print("Not an admin") end else print("The owner is here!") return true end end end

-- respawn script --

function respawn(player) wait(1) local check = adminCheck(player.Name) if not check then player.PlayerGui.Admin:Remove() else local Gui = player.PlayerGui.Admin.Menu Gui.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() openMenuAdmin(player) end) Gui.Submit.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() OnePlayer(player) end) Gui.Page.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() changePage(player) end) end if player.Name ~= Owner then BanGui:Remove() else local Gui = player.PlayerGui.Bans.Menu Gui.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() openMenu(player) end) Gui.Submit.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Banning(player) end) print("Owner has access to the ban GUI") end local hp = player.Character:findFirstChild("Health") if hp == nil then return false else hp:Remove() end player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = player.Level.Value100 player.Character.Humanoid.Health = player.Level.Value100 end

-- respawn script --

function enter(newPlayer) wait(1) local hp = newPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Health") if hp == nil then return false else hp:Remove() end local BanGui = newPlayer.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("Bans") if banCheck(newPlayer.Name) then newPlayer.Character:Remove() newPlayer:Remove() end -- banned palyers may not enter! local check = adminCheck(newPlayer.Name) if not check then newPlayer.PlayerGui.Admin:Remove() else local Gui = newPlayer.PlayerGui.Admin.Menu Gui.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() openMenuAdmin(newPlayer) end) Gui.Submit.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() OnePlayer(newPlayer) end) Gui.Page.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() changePage(newPlayer) end) print("An admin or owner has entered") end if newPlayer.Name ~= Owner then BanGui:Remove() else local m ="Message") m.Text = "The creator, " .. Owner .. ", is here!" m.Parent = workspace wait(5) m:Remove() local Gui = newPlayer.PlayerGui.Bans.Menu Gui.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() openMenu(newPlayer) end) Gui.Submit.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Banning(newPlayer) end) print("Owner has access to the ban GUI") end -- badge space -- badge space local lev ="IntValue", newPlayer) local points ="IntValue", newPlayer) local xp ="IntValue", newPlayer) xp.Name = "XP" lev.Name = "Level" points.Name = "Gold" lev.Value = 1 xp.Value = 0 points.Value = 0 print("Inserted") newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = newPlayer.Level.Value100 newPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = newPlayer.Level.Value100 xp.Changed:connect(function() XPchange(newPlayer, xp, lev) end) lev.Changed:connect(function() Levelup(newPlayer, xp, lev) end) newPlayer.Changed:connect(function(property) if property == "Character" then respawn(newPlayer) end end) print("DONE") end


for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do enter(v) end

while wait() do for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v.Character ~= nil and v:findFirstChild("Gold") ~= nil then local hum = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local gui = v.PlayerGui.Stats gui.Health.Bar.Size =,((hum.Health/hum.MaxHealth)200),0,15) gui.Health.txt.Text = "Health: " .. hum.Health .. "/" .. hum.MaxHealth gui.XP2.Bar.Size =,((v.XP.Value/v.Level.Value)4),0,15) gui.XP2.txt.Text = "XP: " .. v.XP.Value .. "/" .. v.Level.Value*50 gui["Gold+Level"].Text = "Gold: " .. v.Gold.Value .. ", Level: " .. v.Level.Value end end end

Wait, I just edit it. EzraNehemiah_TF2 3552 — 8y
Please put your code in code blocks. And properly format it. iaz3 190 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago


So you right click where you want to insert the script(In workspace, a part, etc.) the click "Insert Basic Object". Then click on Script or Local Script. This isn't a scripting question but it has do with scripts.

Script to insert scripts

You need to open the command bar and type in,"Script", workspace) --Or LocalScript. Replace workspace where you want to insert the script

Open "View" on the top of the screen and click "Command Bar" then type in the code.

Hope it helps!

thanks IHaveALEGOCollection 0 — 8y
wheres the command bar IHaveALEGOCollection 0 — 8y
its not working IHaveALEGOCollection 0 — 8y
If you want to make a game and you don't know how to use the tool you are using to make a game, don't make a game at all. Marios2 360 — 8y

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