I'm making a jump scare for one of my horror games, and I want a model named "Deathman" as seen below, to move at a certain speed. Each part in the model has a bodyvelocity inserted into it to make it move.
This is the working script I'm using as of now, is there any way I could insert a node changing the speed of the model, or do I have to change it using the properties window?
I hope you can help, thanks!
Sound = script.Parent.Scream Ready = true function onTouch(hit) local h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if h ~= nil and Ready == true then Ready = false local plyr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(h.Parent.Name) local s = Sound:clone() game.Lighting.DeathMan:clone().Parent = game.Workspace s.Parent = plyr wait(2) game.Workspace.DeathMan:Remove() s:remove() wait(25) Ready = true end end
1.) Try using ServerStorage not Lighting :P 2.) Maybe,** I** would use BodyPosition...
function onTouched(hit) local character = hit.Parent if character and character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then local b = Instance.new("BodyPosition") b.position = Vector3.new(500, 500, 500) b.maxForce = Vector3.new(500000000, 500000000, 500000000) b.Parent = character.Torso wait(3) b.Parent = nil end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
Is a sample (for a teleport effect)
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