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Why is this not working?

Asked by 9 years ago
1local O = script.Parent.Owner.Value
2local P = game.Players:FindFirstChild(O)
3while true do
4    if P.leaderstats then
5        P.leaderstats.Cash.Value = script.Parent.Owner.Money.Value
6    end
7    wait()

Error code in output: Workspace.Tycoon.CashHandlerScript:6: attempt to index local 'P' (a nil value)

Your code is perfectly fine, just ther was no player matching the Owner's value. Goulstem 8144 — 9y
No, I found the answer, It's because i put the ".Value' in line 1 what i needed to do what put it in line 2 like :FindFirstChild(O.Value) CoffeeMesh 5 — 9y

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Answered by
dyler3 1510 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

As Goulstem already stated, there is nothing wrong with the script at all. Make sure your other scripts are correct, and that the value is there in the first place.

I'd suggest adding in this before defining the variable:

1repeat wait() until script.Parent.Owner.Value

That'd help make sure that there is a value in there before the script tries going through the rest of your code.

Anyways, hope I helped a bit, and if you have any questions or problems, please leave a comment below :P

Or use `:WaitForChild()`. woodengop 1134 — 9y

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