My goal is to get the players Left Arm to point towards a part named "LeftArmHold" inside all the tools within my game. (Make it so the left arm will grip the gun without having to script the CFrame for each tool)
The left arm points backwards and looks upwards.
I have tried a few ways of doing this but all have failed, this is my most recent attempt.
la.C0 = (la.Parent.CFrame:toObjectSpace(local_utl.torso.CFrame,la_hold.CFrame))
(Here are the variables in case you get confused)
la = char["Left Arm"].la_weld local_utl.torso = --[The player's torso] la_hold = tool["LeftArmHold"]
May I also state, I am a newbie to CFraming and only just got an understanding of :toObjectSpace and believe I am using it wrong and or not meant to be using it for this situation.
Short introduction of radians:
math.pi = 3.14 -- +unlimited decimals
pi radians equals 180 degrees, so to flip your arm over an axis you need to do
pi/2 radians equals 90 degrees, so its just a quarter turn, so to rotate your arm over an axis you need to do.
Source: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=CFrame#Radians
la.C0 = (la.Parent.CFrame:toObjectSpace(local_utl.torso.CFrame,la_hold.CFrame))*CFrame.Angles(math.pi,0,0)
It's possible that this does not directly solve the problem, you could try to move math.pi sometimes and maybe divide it by 2 until the arm is in the right place.