Is there a way to access a team's leaderstat, such as KOs, instead of a single player's leaderstat?
You could always just go through all of the players leaderstats, and add up the values. Given, that the player is on that certain team of course. Here's an example:
Team="Bright blue" Plrs=game.Players:GetPlayers() while wait(1) do --Repeats the process every second local TotalKills=0 --Sets the variable to add to for i=1,#Plrs do --Cycles through each player if Plrs[i].TeamColor=Team then --Finds if the player is on the desired team or not. TotalKills=TotalKills+Plrs.leaderstats.Kills.Value --Adds up the teams current kill count end end print("Total kills for "..Team.." team: "..TotalKills) --Prints out the total kills for the team end
This would work good if you were just trying to print out the kills on a certain team. Anyways, this is just an example, so if you need any more clarification, please leave a comment below. Hope I helped :P