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Help with Custom Chat Gui?

Asked by
iSvenDerp 233 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Please provide more explanation in your question. If you explain exactly what you are trying to accomplish, it will be much easier to answer your question correctly.

so I am making my own psuedo Custom Chat GUI. I have my scrpt in the serverscriptstorage. When I Looked at OutPut nothing seemed to be wrong so here it is. EDIT: as I said said above:) output shows nothing so what I need is for help trying to figure out whats wrong? An Ideas? This is in a normal script to..

01function UpdateOldLabels(Parent)
02    for i,v in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do
03        if v.Name:sub(1,4):lower() == "line" then
04            local LineNumber = v.Name:sub(5)
05            if LineNumber == "13" then
06                v:Destroy()
07            else
08                v.Name = "line"..tostring(tonumber(LineNumber) + 1)
09                v.Position = v.Position -,0,0,15)
10            end
11        end
12    end
View all 37 lines...

Ok Thanks I will add more detail to my chat GUI when I know its working later. :) Comment if you have any questions Below..:)

I can't very well help you if you won't say what the problem is. ZeroBits 142 — 9y
That's just it as I said above output was showing nothing so my problem is that idk why it's not working and I was looking for suggestions :) iSvenDerp 233 — 9y
Zero is asking what's wrong with it? Why do you need help? FearMeIAmLag 1161 — 9y
I have no idea i put it on here so we can figure out together whats wrong with is since it didnt show anything in output when i tested it in studio it was normal chat but when i went into to a running server it wasnt working. So i am trying to figure out without the output whatsw rong with it iSvenDerp 233 — 9y
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When someone asks "what's wrong with it" it means that they do not know what it is not doing that you think it is supposed to be doing, and cannot help you with the issue because they do not know what the issue is about. 1waffle1 2908 — 9y
Sooo, what is the issue? Chat not showing? WHat us happening? You have to tell us a little fireboltofdeath 635 — 9y
The chat is not showing anything do u think i have to remove to core chat gui? Its just showing the regular chat iSvenDerp 233 — 9y

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