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Moving a script from replicated storage to workspace activates it?

Asked by
TomsGames 225 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

That's basically the question... It's not activating!

Scripting Helpers is not a place for you to ask people to help you on ROBLOX. The question needs to be posted here. Please edit your post. User#11893 186 — 11y

2 answers

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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
11 years ago

I don't understand exactly what you're trying to do, but the easiest way to force a script to run is to toggle its Disabled property to false and then to true.

By the way, you can post hyperlinks using the toolbar above the text box, so please do so! Also, please post your entire question here when you ask a question. It makes it easier to answer your questions quickly and more accurately.

This is a model inside the camera, so it's all local. Does this change anything? Also the script goes into a local model. Toggling from disabled to enabled does not activate it seemingly. TomsGames 225 — 11y
Fixxed it, won't explain how it's kind of complicated and ugly. Thanks though! TomsGames 225 — 11y
Ah, that changes this completely. No script will run inside of a local part. To accomplish the welding, you're going to have to use a LocalScript, placed somewhere it will run, like the PlayerGui. adark 5487 — 11y
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Answered by
Emg14 10
10 years ago

On the forum, you can't do this: script.Disabled = false Since the script is not running, it won't the above line/. Just make another script that disabled the script:

local Script = put the location of script here
if cnditionbeforeitrunsthescript == trur then
Script.Disabled = false
--Just a seudo code generated by me > :]

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