I am trying to make a plugin but it gives an error that says: "Mat" is not a valid Enum material. I have tried parentheses and quotations, parentheses, and quotations. This is the code
local plugin = PluginManager():CreatePlugin() local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Filling tools") local button = toolbar:CreateButton( "", "Flood fill", "Potato.png" ) Fillblock="" active = 0 --____________________________________________ _G.Changeblock = function(Mat) Fillblock = Enum.Material.Mat end --____________________________________________ button.Click:connect(function() if active == 0 then plugin:Activate(true) active = 1 print("Welcome to Warman13579's Fill plugin! Type in _G.help() to see the commands") wait(1) print("Select your material! The list of current materials is: Slate, Brick, WoodPlanks, Sand, Water, and concrete. Type _G.Changeblock(water) (water in quotations) for example.") else active = 0 plugin:Activate(false) print("Goodbye") end end) --_____________________________________________
NOTE: Some functions are not implemented like _G.Help()
You have to use the []
_G.Changeblock = function(Mat) Fillblock = Enum.Material[Mat] end