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What are tables?

Asked by 8 years ago

I am trying to figure out what tables are and when I use them and what I use them for can anyone help me?

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Answered by 8 years ago

What is a Table?

A Table is, well, a Table that which contains (or stores) specific Data (As for Example: Numbers, Strings, Instances, Tables themselves, Functions (when done correctly), and Brackets (Or Variables, but used differently), ect.).

How to use a Table?

As said, a Table is used to contain (or store) specific data, as for example, if you want to store a few letters of the Alphabet, you would beable to store a few of the letters like this:

local Alphabet = {"A","a","B","b","C","c","D","d"} --This table is containing the letters 'Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc', 'Dd' (from the Alphabet) within the Table, which can be later on used for specific tasks or purposes

How to use the Table

A Table can be very easy to use when known how to, and can be set up to perform specific tasks (Example: From the past information), as for example, we are able to call specific Data (or Information) from the Table (Example: Again, from the past information), but only, getting the Data from the Table directly: There are multiple ways of doing this, but I'm only to name of few ways:

local Table = {"I","contain","strings","!",":D"} --Here we have our Table, now let's put it to use! :D

print(Table[1],Table[2],Table[3]..Table[4],Table[5]) --This will print out all the Positions within the current Table; 'I contain strings! :D'; The 'print' Function will print specific Data into the 'Output', as shown above with the Table

local String = ""; --The current Variable 'String' is specifying a Blank 'String' which will be used for the Following; for i,v in pairs(Table) do --The 'for' loop is used to loop through a Table, or as the ROBLOX Wiki says: 'The for loop is a way of running a command or set of commands a set number of times. The basic syntax is as following: for iterator_variable = start value, end value, increment do'
    String = String .. v .. " " --This will Update (or change) the Variable 'String' to reflect the Data that is being added from the Table (Example: It could be currently 'I', but then the Table will add 'contain', 'strings', and so on ('I', 'I contain', 'I contain strings',  ect.'))
end --This ends the Chunk

local Table2 = {
    ['Str1'] = "I'm ";
    ['Str2'] = "in ";
    ['Str3'] = "a Table";
    ['Str4'] = " with";
    ['Str5'] = "Brackets!"
    ['Str6'] = " :D"
} --I created a new Table 'Table2' to reflect upon information I stated before. The Variable 'Table2' is specifying the Table container the Data (or information).

print(Table2['Str1']..Table2['Str2']..Table2['Str3']..Table2['Str4']..Table2['Str5']..Table2['Str6']) --And so, just like the last example, this will print into the 'Output': 'I'm in a Table with Brackets! :D', but, many scripters would consider this to be 'messy coding', so I wouldn't recommend doing this

How can you add data?

That's simple, but sometimes can be challenging sometimes how you use it, but, there is a way to add Data to a Already-Created Table by using the Table.insert function: There are 3 Arguments to the function:

--1st Argument. What Table is being Manipluation, or where the Data is being stored

--2nd Argument. What Data is being added to the Table

--3rd Argument. Which Position the Data will be added to (for example, Position 6, 8, or 5, even those only 3 positions are filled (Table = {1,2,3,5,6,8})), but this is opitional, meaning your not required to do this; It'll Automatically set up the Position for the Data to be added to the Table

How can you Remove Data?

This is really tricky, since in the past when I tired to use it's function, it would not remove the Information directly: You had to remove it by Position, however, I will still explain:

The Table.remove Function is specifically used to Remove Data from a Specific Table, however, it works different then from Table.insert, or does the exact opposite, and instead of three Arguments needed, it needs Two:

--1st Argument. The Table that the Changes are being applied to

--2nd Argument. The Position within the Table that is going to be removed; You can not do 'table.remove(SomeTable,\'strings\')'; It will only return an error, you must give it a Position (Example: 'table.remove(SomeTable,3)')

And that is why Table.remove can be very, very tricky to use. If you wish for a more in-Depth explanation of Table.remove, just let me know. :)

And that's how to properly use a Table, and the tricks to it! :D

Be Aware

From what I've read from my Lua Programming book for 5.2 of the language: A table can only contain 1000 Position of code (or so I've read from the book, but I'm just giving this as a heads up :) ).

Information left Out

The Output: The Output is a Box within the Studio that which reports back Feedback (Primarily from the 'print' function'), and returns different types such as Feedbacks from the print Function, Errors, and so on.

The For loop: The for loop is, as explained earlier: " --The 'for' loop is used to loop through a Table, or as the ROBLOX Wiki says: 'The for loop is a way of running a command or set of commands a set number of times. The basic syntax is as following: for iterator_variable = start value, end value, increment do'"

Strings: Strings are a Variable that contains Letters or other infromation, or, as the WIKI says: 'Strings are sequences of letters , numbers, and symbols.'

Got any more Questions (about this Question specifically)? Just let me know and I'll try to explain as best I can! :D

Hope this helped!

Dang. AlphaStigma, the one who explains fully for us to understands. Also, the answer for table is simple. according to Google, it says: a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface on which objects may be placed, and that can be used for such purposes as eating, writing, working, or playing games. RobotChitti 167 — 8y
@RobotChitti Thanks man. :) It's been a while since I've decided to Answer a Question, so this time I tried to explain best I could. :) Also, I think I know enough about Tables already. Haha! :P TheeDeathCaster 2368 — 8y
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Answered by 8 years ago

Tables are like lists, for example all the bricks in Workspace is classified as a table. A useful table is game.Players:GetPlayers() because it gets all the players. To use tables, you need to know what a i, v in pairs() do loop is. I do not know how to explain what a i, v in pairs() loop is so I can only give you an example of it.

table1 = {"Hello", " ", "What's", " ", "Up?"}
for i, v in pairs(table1) do

And the Output would say if you run that: Hello



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Answered by 8 years ago

Tables and arrays work the same way, they are a list of information. For example:


  • 50
  • 95
  • 12
  • 99
  • 65

What are all the test scores? How can you compact the list?

testscores = {50,65,12,99,65} --all the scores

This list can fit numbers, strings or text, Objects, and more! You can use in pairs, ipairs, and next to look through all the values and intervals of a table. There are also functions for the table. You can learn more here and here.

Hope it helps!

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