local C = {} function saveScore(player, score, name) player:SaveNumber(name, score) end function ADDSTUFF(Ply) local Dis = Instance.new("NumberValue", Ply) Dis.Name = "District" local InA = Instance.new("BoolValue", Ply) InA.Name = "InArena" local InA2 = Instance.new("BoolValue", Ply) InA2.Name = "InArena2" local Hunger = Instance.new("NumberValue", Ply) Hunger.Name = "Hunger" Hunger.Value = 100 local Thirst = Instance.new("NumberValue", Ply) Thirst.Name = "Thirst" Thirst.Value = 100 local Exp = Instance.new("NumberValue", Ply) Exp.Name = "Exp" local Lvl = Instance.new("NumberValue", Ply) Lvl.Name = "Lvl" Lvl.Value = 1 local Points = Instance.new("NumberValue", Ply) Points.Name = "Points" Points.Value = 0 local TiG = Instance.new("NumberValue", Ply) TiG.Name = "TimeInGame" local Age = Instance.new("StringValue", Ply) Age.Name = "Age" Age.Value = "Unknown" local Gender = Instance.new("StringValue", Ply) Gender.Name = "Gender" Gender.Value = "Unknown" local FoodMessage = Instance.new("StringValue", Ply) FoodMessage.Name = "FoodMessage" local LevelMessage = Instance.new("StringValue", Ply) LevelMessage.Name = "LevelMessage" local A = game.Lighting.Info:Clone() A.Parent = Ply.PlayerGui Ply:WaitForDataReady() Exp.Value = Ply:LoadNumber("ExpSave") Lvl.Value = Ply:LoadNumber("LvlSave") end function onPlayerRemoving(player) for a,v in pairs(shared.Tributes) do if v == player then table.remove(shared.Tributes,a) end end local exp = player:findFirstChild("Exp") local lvl = player:findFirstChild("Lvl") if exp then saveScore(player, exp.Value, "ExpSave") end if lvl then saveScore(player, lvl.Value, "LvlSave") end end delay(0, function() while true do wait() for A,B in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if not B:findFirstChild("InArena") then ADDSTUFF(B) end end end end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(onPlayerRemoving)
Error on line 7, and 65.
Possibly remove the space on line 7.