ok so i want when they touch the part it dissappers then after it waits 20 it reappers?
Heres what i tried im not that good with scripting
while true do onTouch() part.Brick.Transperancy = 0 wait(20) end
You need to use the Touched event to detect when an object is touched! You also want to check if it's a player! One last thing, there is no need for a loop! Just use a debounce.
debounce = false script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit) -- Goes directly into the part if hit.Parent and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter() and debounce == false then debounce = true script.Parent.Transparency = 1 -- 1 is invisible! wait(20) debounce = false script.Parent.Transparency = 0 end end)
You need to define a function.
function onTouch() script.Parent:Destroy() wait(20) end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch)
also, use Destroy(). Transparency just makes it invisible.
Hope this helped.