I know basic scripting, I just don't know all the basics. So, I can't get my script to work. The script basically should have a GUI pop up when you sit on it, and when you get off it should go away(I don't know how to do that).
script.Parent.ChildAdded:connect(function() game.Players.PlayerGUI.Gui.Frame.Visible = true end)
This Way, If You Sit, It First Searchs For "SeatWeld", Which Is A Weld That Appears When You Sit. Then It'll Insert A Gui Into Your PlayerGui(PlayerGui is In Player Always. If You Have Something In StarterGui, It Automatically Goes To Player Gui.)
script.Parent.ChildAdded:connect(function(newChild) if newChild.Name == "SeatWeld" then local Gui = Instance.new("ScreenGui", game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(newChild.Part1).PlayerGui) end end)
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