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[ModuleScript] unable to find assetid?

Asked by 9 years ago

My script

local ServerCommands = require(254969628)
print(type(ServerCommands)) -> "Nil"


Unable to find module AssetId

ModuleScript link

Module Coding

return {
    {Network = game:GetService("NetworkServer")}

Why would this be erroring?

1 answer

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Answered by
Goulstem 8144 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator
9 years ago

Definition of Your Error

Your error means that there were no assets matching the prerequisites for the require function to be called.

Prerequisites of the 'require' Function

  • The Asset you're attempting to call the require function on must be a ModuleScript.

  • The Asset must either be owned by you or be open-sourced.

  • The Instance that the Asset contains, has to be named 'MainModule' if it's expected to be able to be called upon by the require function by it's ID


So, I suggest you check all of these prerequisites and make sure nothing is out of place. If the problem persists then please comment below.


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