Why won't this model destroy?
Everything works with no errors.
It loops fine.
It's just one thing.
If you look on line 65, you can see I had mentioned
02 | h.Parent = game.Workspace |
05 | script.StarterMusic:Play() |
12 | if game.Players.NumPlayers< = 0 then |
13 | while game.Players.NumPlayers< = 0 do |
15 | h.Text = "Waiting for 2 players..." |
22 | while wait( 1 ) and i> 0 do |
23 | h.Text = i.. " seconds until the round starts!" |
28 | h.Text = "Choosing a random map..." |
29 | local maps = game.ServerStorage [ "Maps" ] :GetChildren() |
32 | players = game.Players:getChildren() |
33 | map = maps [ math.random( 1 , #maps) ] |
34 | h.Text = "The chosen map is " ..map.Name.. "!" |
39 | mapclone.Parent = game.Workspace |
46 | h.Text = "Teleporting players..." |
50 | mapclone.Parent = game.Workspace |
52 | local Tel 1 = mapclone:findFirstChild( "Spawn" ) |
53 | players [ i ] .Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 |
54 | players [ i ] .Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(Tel 1. Position+Vector 3. new( 0 , 3 , 0 )) |
57 | h.Text = "All players have 1 minute to escape. Go!" |
61 | players [ i ] .Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 |
64 | script.StarterMusic:Stop() |
68 | while wait( 1 ) and i> 0 do |
69 | h.Text = "You have " ..i.. " seconds left!" |
74 | if players [ i ] .won.Value = = 1 then |
75 | players [ i ] .leaderstats.Won.Value = players [ i ] .leaderstats.Won.Value+ 1 |
Help and upvotes are appreciated!