Hello! So I am trying something with Particle Emitters and I have come across an unexplainable problem. So basically I need this script to change the Particle Colour to the Same Colour as the brick it is in. But it doesn't change it and I am let with this error: 13:28:13.243 - Workspace.Part.Script:5: function arguments expected near '.'
s = script.Parent Par = s.Particle Par.Color:ColorSequence.new(s.BrickColor)
No Idea what is wrong... Thanks for the help!
Sily me it was supposed to be Par.Color = ColorSequence.new(s.BrickColor.Color) not Par.Color:ColorSequence.new(s.BrickColor)
You need the Color3, and to get the Color3 from a BrickColor, add ".Color" So...
s = script.Parent Par = s.Particle Par.Color:ColorSequence.new(s.BrickColor.Color)