Right, so when I run the following script:
Maps = require(script.Maps) Functions = require(script.Functions) wait(2) Functions.StartSim(Maps.Cabin) wait(10) Functions.EndSim()
It accesses 2 module scripts. I can confirm that the one containing the maps is 100% working, what I'm having trouble with is the Functions one. This is the script from there:
local Selectors = { game.Workspace["Holo System"].Generator.SelectionBox; game.Workspace["Holo System"].Generator.Connection } local Functions = {} Functions.StartSim = function(Map) local Simulation = Instance.new("Model", game.Workspace) Simulation.Name = "Simulation" for _,v in pairs(Selectors) do v.Visible = true end for _,v in pairs(Map:GetChildren()) do v.Parent = Simulation for _,p in pairs(Selectors) do if p:IsA("SelectionBox") then p.Adornee = v elseif p:IsA("SelectionPartLasso") then p.Part = v end end wait() for _,c in pairs(Selectors) do if c:IsA("SelectionBox") then c.Adornee = nil elseif c:IsA("SelectionPartLasso") then c.Part = nil end end end for _,v in pairs(Selectors) do v.Visible = false end end Functions.EndSim = function() if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Simulation") then return end local Simulation = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Simulation") for _,v in pairs(Selectors) do v.Visible = true end for _,v in pairs(Simulation:GetChildren()) do for _,c in pairs(Selectors) do if c:IsA("SelectionBox") then c.Adornee = v elseif c:IsA("SelectionPartLasso") then c.Part = v end end wait() for _,c in pairs(Selectors) do if c:IsA("SelectionBox") then c.Adornee = nil elseif c:IsA("SelectionPartLasso") then c.Part = nil end v:Destroy() end end for _,v in pairs(Selectors) do v.Visible = false end end return Functions
The error thrown in the output box reads:
19:43:05.250 - std::bad_cast 19:43:05.251 - Script 'Workspace.Holo System.Computer.Aurum's Holo Script.Function', Line 21 - field StartSim 19:43:05.251 - Script 'Workspace.Holo System.Computer.Aurum's Holo Script', Line 5 19:43:05.260 - Stack End
I have no idea why it's throwing at line 21, as all of it seems perfectly fine. The script is supposed to do what a holo training does, make a beam to a part that appears and lay down the map.
Any and all help appreciated.
Thanks in advance, AurumAquila