What can I use to disable specific controls a player has such as the arrow keys or W and S? After a lot of research all I could find was an out of date one that disabled all of the controls.
Though I don't see what situation you would need to remove them. I would just reduce the walkspeed to 0. But if you want to enter something for when W is pressed it would be.
local player = script.Parent.Parent local mouse = player:GetMouse() function onKeyDown(key) if key == "w" then Instance.new("Sparkles",player.Character.Torso) mouse.KeyDown:connect(onKeyDown)
if you wanted to make it to where like they couldn't jump you could do
local player = script.Parent.Parent local mouse = player:GetMouse() function onKeyDown(key) if key:byte() == 32 then--32 is the number for spacebar player.Character:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position +Vector3.new(0,-2,0))